The Tasteful Plate

July 22, 2023


Is Sugar Healthy?

How bad is sugar really?

We have all heard that sugar is bad for our bodies. It gives us empty
calories and packs on the weight bringing about disease and metabolic
syndrome. How bad is it really and are all sugars equally as bad for you?

All sugar is not created equal, no pun intended! Lactose, glucose,
fructose, maple syrup, honey etc., are all names of sugars but each of
this has a different impact on your body because each has different
molecular structures and the less you eat, the healthier you will be.

You can’t argue with me that the harmful effects of sugar are now
indisputable, nonetheless, we eat an incredible amount of it. The average
American consumes 3 pounds of this harmful substance a week. It tastes
delicious and scratches that center in our brain that causes addiction.
Many studies and brain scans suggest that it’s just as addictive as opium
and cocaine.

Because of this knowledge, many are trying to choose a healthier sugar
looking for the more natural options at the grocery store. If you look
you’ll see them everywhere but are they any better for you then refined
sugar? I have always said that knowledge is power so here is just some
information about different sugars.

Sugar right? Wrong. Refined sugar has absolutely no nutritional
redemptive value it’s empty calories, and trust me it does have calories!
Most sugar has been genetically modified. Genetically modified foods
are absolutely horrible and something that you need to avoid at all costs.
Please don’t buy white sugar, or powdered sugar very addictive and very
bad for you.

So what about brown sugar? Commercially processed brown sugar is
really white sugar with molasses added, that’s what gives it its color and
flavor. A bit tricky I know, don’t be fooled by this. It is still empty
calories and still just as bad for you.

Remember refined anything is not that good for you. Evaporated cane
juice is made from sugarcane and it’s a little less refined then white sugar
so it has more color, flavor, and nutrients than the refined white sugar,
however, the only difference between them is that evaporated cane just
goes through one less step of refinement.

So what is raw organic cane sugar? This sugar is less processed than
refined white sugar, and still has some of the original nutrients that were
there in the original cane juice. Some of these include vitamins minerals,
amino acids, and even a bit of antioxidant. Organic means no pesticides
that are in commercially grown sugar which is good. Although this is a
better choice white sugar it’s still sugar so you need to watch your
serving size and eat as little amounts as possible

Coconut sugar to sugar that is taken from the juice of the coconut tree
you’re a pretty natural process. They extracted juice and allow the water
from the juice to evaporate, a very natural process. So process wise it’s
one of the most sustainable ways to pretty sugar and the final product
has a small amount of fiber and other nutrients. It also has a lower
percentage of fructose then the other sugars we talked about which does
make it perhaps a bit healthier than other options.

Honey is a very good natural sweetener that has a concentrated dose of
vitamins, minerals, and nutrients which helps to nourish and revitalize
your body. It also contains unique antimicrobial properties that can help
fight off infections. Honey has been used for hundreds of years, in fact,
it was one of the most popular ancient Egyptian healing remedies.

again you need to be careful how much you use.
One of my favorite sweeteners is Stevia. Stevia comes from a plant, does
not raise your glycemic index, is extremely sweet and has no calories. It
comes in many flavors, and you can either buy drops or powder.

These are just a few of the sugars out there that happen to be the most
popular. Although sugar can be very hazardous to your health there are
two factors that are critical, what kind of sugar you eat but how much of
it you eat.

Moderation is key. The things that grow and you’ll be healthy and look
healthy. Once you stay away from sugar, you will be amazed at how
sweet fruit tastes.


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Is Sugar Healthy? How bad is sugar really? We have all heard that sugar is bad for our bodies. It gives us emptycalories and packs

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